All Classes and Interfaces

A simple meta comparator to compare the AdvancedEnchantments
A simple meta comparator to compare attributes
An enum which represents the minecraft attributes.
An attribute wrapper class that stores the levels and the comparator in which the attribute must match
An enum to define how to compare attribute levels
List of available ban actions
This class offers a way to store the ban actions data.
Animation class
Abstract sub command class
A cached ban configuration from a FileConfiguration
The ban data used into a ban check The object will be an instance of the described BanDataType Example: if type == BanDataType.CREATIVE, the object is a boolean.
Class that contains all the maps
A simple enum indicating what kind of data is used
Hooks manager
This class is used to register only the needed listeners.
An item wrapper, which can handle matching Material/ItemStacks with their ItemMeta and not considering the amount.
An utility class for the plugin
Class that contains some notable versions nodes, so the plugin can handle multiple versions Those variables are used to check versions compatibility
Map that contains the blacklisted items
A chat utility class
Sub command add
Sub command check
Sub command help
Sub command info
Sub command load
Sub command log
Sub command meta item
Sub command reload
Sub command remove
An item wrapper, which store custom item meta
Map that contains all the custom items This is a double map (include a reversed map), for easier access of custom items names and their respective banned item.
A debug class, which can handle and display the nodes Mainly used when loading the plugin, to display any error
A debug message with its type
Called when a banned item has been detected and should be deleted from the current inventory view of the player.
A simple meta comparator to compare the display name
A simple meta comparator to compare the display name
A simple double map, used to handle custom and meta items.
A simple meta comparator to compare the durability
A simple meta comparator to compare the enchantments
A simple meta comparator to compare the enchantments
An enchantment helper class to retrieve correct Bukkit enchantments object across versions
An enchantment wrapper class that stores the Bukkit enchantment with a level
This interface is used for MetaItem/CustomBannedItem to retreive their names
An enum for the block type of an illegal stacked item
A simple wrapper to store the amount and the block type of an illegal stack material
A simple async scanner to check if players has illegal stacks into their inventories
Map that store all the banned items, with their actions and actions datas.
A simple meta comparator to compare ItemsAdder items
A simple ItemStack builder utility class.
A powerful listable class which will attempt to create List object from gived data.
List of elements that can be listed
A simple meta comparator to compare the lore
A simple meta comparator to compare the lore
A simple meta comparator to compare the lore
A simple meta comparator to compare the lore
An item wrapper for meta items
Map that contains all the meta items This is a double map (include a reversed map), for easier access of meta items names and their respective banned item.
A simple enumeration for customizable item metas
An abstract meta type comparator
bStats collects some data for plugin authors.
Represents a custom advanced bar chart.
Represents a custom advanced pie.
Represents a custom chart.
Represents a custom drilldown pie.
Represents a custom multi line chart.
Represents a custom simple bar chart.
Represents a custom simple pie.
Represents a custom single line chart.
A simple meta comparator to compare the model data
A simple meta comparator to compare NBT
Called when an item should be banned This is only for check purpose, no modifications can be made.
The ban type
Called if the wear region check action is enabled.
A simple meta comparator to compare potions
A potion helper class to retrieve correct Bukkit PotionEffectType object across versions
A potion wrapper class that stores the Bukkit potion type with the level
Package utils that use the reflection api of java
A simple meta comparator to compare unbreakable
Utility class
A simple async scanner to check if players wears a banned item
Map that contains whitelistedworlds
Map containing all allowed items of a world